We seek many things in this life. Physical treasures, popularity, success, place, beauty.
But after all is said and done (and we do that well, don’t we?) we find all that really matters is complete faith in our heavenly Father’s existence and unending trust in Christ’s finished work on the cross. That is all.
What He desires of us, the reason He gives us so many chances, the purpose behind our many trials is this – to draw us closer to Himself. To cause us to fall on our knees in worship of Him. Yes. He’s that kind of God! He desires fellowship with us. And oh, how He loves us, but He is a jealous God and wants our whole-hearted devotion.
Even Adam, who had perfect fellowship with God, blew it. And don’t we blow it every day? And so God draws us, and woos us, and forgives us, and causes great trials to come upon us – but not for pain and suffering for punishment sake – but to cause us to see our great need. To get us to give in, to die to self (and oh, we are filled with self!), and to draw nigh unto Him for everything.
Oh, ’tis such a great God we serve! If only we will give in. If we would stop searching for happiness elsewhere. If only we will give up the world’s idea of success and happiness. Then, and only then, will we find true Joy.
Please understand this post is for me as well as encouragement for you! I have (and still do) look for happiness in all the wrong places. But God is patiently revealing that my life is not my own. He purchased me to be used for His will, purpose, and glory. And I find I’m needing less these days to truly be happy. Freedom!
You can read more about our family’s journey to Becoming Christian In An MSG And Fluorescent World and Learning To Be Salt And Light. Stay in touch as I share more about the freedom only Christ can give. Any examples in your life?

In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation—having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is given as a pledge of our inheritance, with a view to the redemption of God’s own possession, to the praise of His glory. Ephesians 1:13-14