Do you struggle?

  • Finding your purpose as a Christian
  • Feeling removed from God’s love and grace
  • Feeling like your faith is weak
  • Tired of living in a culture that’s forgotten God

Well, you’re in the right place. God takes our life and grows into what He designed us to be. 

Yes, He lets us stumble and sometimes fall, but He always offers grace to become more than we could ever expect. Solid answers are found in the Bible.
Join me as we look for ways to live out our faith with integrity and growth.

Anticipating Christ’s Return…This Christmas!

Anticipating Christ’s Return…This Christmas!

The Holy season of Christmas gives me much time to ponder the things of old.  Think about that time when men hungered and anticipated the birth of the long-awaited and promised Messiah.  How they must

Beyond Baby Basics

                  The topic of babies spurs much passion with women who love family and are—well—passionate about raising children for the glory of God.  Babies have
Let Me Be a Woman – Today!

Let Me Be a Woman – Today!

What is God’s view of a woman? Take time to consider the ways you feel like a woman today.
This Is Definitely What Christmas Is All About, Charlie Brown!

This Is Definitely What Christmas Is All About, Charlie Brown!

  Linus’s age-old adage rings as true now as it did 50 years ago!  We remember with much nostalgia when he recites Luke 2, then concludes with the refrain, “That’s what Christmas is all
“Constructing” Successful Adults

“Constructing” Successful Adults

Have you ever felt that raising a child to adulthood is as complicated as managing the construction of the major building?  As parents, we often wonder if we’re capable of teaching our children what

Accepting The Season of Menopause

A Variety of Suffering I was asked to write on suffering for a friend’s blog.  You might think it a bit odd that I would choose to write about menopause. There is the intense

Back To Blogging …. There’s No Place Like Home!

Woman At Window by Holsoe Well, I’m back to writing….blogging….maybe actually living in my own home and weeding my own gardens. From my blog silence, it’s easy to see I’ve

Becoming A Woman of Worth

Do you feel undervalued or overwhelmed? I don’t know about you, but there are times that I feel a bit undervalued and overwhelmed.  Too much to do, too much I’m reaching for, and
Let Pain Do It’s Perfect Work

Let Pain Do It’s Perfect Work

We live in a society that does it’s utmost to avoid pain.  We are told to “be happy,” “put a smile on your face,” and “grab a Coke, Starbucks, or Budweiser.”  You name it,
Marriage 101 – Lessons from the Chickens!

Marriage 101 – Lessons from the Chickens!

“But now ask the beasts, and let them teach you; and the birds of the heavens, and let them tell you.  Or speak to the earth, and let it teach you; and let the fish
We Broke the Mold and Raised Responsible Adults!

We Broke the Mold and Raised Responsible Adults!

Our family’s style of raising responsible adults may be unique to many of you.  We have homeschooled all ten of our kids. I’ve been at it for 29 years. (I know, I’m

What Are Your Treasures?

    Jesus words in Luke 12 gives me a lot to think about! The Master speaks of our treasures. Treasures…. What are they?  Where do they come from?  How earnestly do I seek them?  What
Finding Love in a Storm

Finding Love in a Storm

I sit, watching the storm blow in, and I can’t help but remember my childhood at the lake. Sitting on the oversized, padded porch swing tucked under my grandparents’ cottage, my cousins and I
More Blogs, More Noise – How To Choose?

More Blogs, More Noise – How To Choose?

Online Noise The online culture is noisy and distracting:  Someone wants you to grab a cookbook or a podcast or program to give you 10 easy ways to solve some problem.  It can take hours of
On Gratefulness

On Gratefulness

The words of a ten year old boy stopped me in my tracks the other day.  They really made me think about the meaning of gratefulness. I can describe this word and look it up
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