Do you struggle?

  • Finding your purpose as a Christian
  • Feeling removed from God’s love and grace
  • Feeling like your faith is weak
  • Tired of living in a culture that’s forgotten God

Well, you’re in the right place. God takes our life and grows into what He designed us to be. 

Yes, He lets us stumble and sometimes fall, but He always offers grace to become more than we could ever expect. Solid answers are found in the Bible.
Join me as we look for ways to live out our faith with integrity and growth.

A Savior Born to Die!

A Savior Born to Die!

A Savior Born to Die! A Savior born to us! A Savior born to teach us how to live – and trust. A Savior born to make us right with God. A Savior born to die. &
Planning For God’s Glory—Or Your Own?

Planning For God’s Glory—Or Your Own?

You know—God is amazing!  He works in the little things, but usually, we only notice Him in the big things.  Sad.  Because it’s in the little things where we can be truly faithful
Prayer — Who’s It For Anyway?

Prayer — Who’s It For Anyway?

Prayer — It’s something we often take for granted.  It’s also something we can think of too little.  Something that’s often our last resort.  This quote from RC Sproul reminds us to glorify
Building Up Without Burning Out – Growing Children Into Adults – Part One

Building Up Without Burning Out – Growing Children Into Adults – Part One

This week I’ll be answering a question posed by a reader of my post, Breaking the Mold in Raising Adult Children. “I was wondering, too if you might share some thoughts on how to

Should We Celebrate Christmas?

This question alone sparks much discussion and controversy in our culture.  Amazingly, it’s not just for the anti-Christian crowd.  It’s a big one among conservative Christians as well.  The fight to keep Christ
Building Up Without Burning Out – Growing Children Into Adults – Part Three

Building Up Without Burning Out – Growing Children Into Adults – Part Three

Hopefully you’ve read my posts Part One and Part Two of this series. We’ve covered: simplifying home education to avoid burn out the freedom to learn from various adventures and interests and the

You’ll Go To Hell For That!

We heard someone say this to a group of friends, “You’ll go to hell for that!”  Their tone was mocking and derogatory. You might be familiar with the scene…a person calls attention to

What Are Your Treasures?

    Jesus words in Luke 12 gives me a lot to think about! The Master speaks of our treasures. Treasures…. What are they?  Where do they come from?  How earnestly do I seek them?  What

Lessons from the Ruckus of Life

I’ve had lots of comments on my “living above the noise” name.   It has connected with many of my readers.  They say it gives them a clear picture and points them in the right

Accepting The Season of Menopause

A Variety of Suffering I was asked to write on suffering for a friend’s blog.  You might think it a bit odd that I would choose to write about menopause. There is the intense

Christmas – Tiny Tim’s Way

Well, another Christmas is fast approaching.  We’ve been busy celebrating with family in recents weeks.  Well – what else is new in a large and ever-expanding family!  I’ll share pics of my newest grand-babies

Leaky Plumbing And A Humbled Wife

Let’s Start With The Negatives We’re all used to getting advice that offers us a quick answer–the “positives” to work towards.  We grasp at them like there’s no tomorrow!  “Just tell
What’s This About Christmas and Tiny Tim?

What’s This About Christmas and Tiny Tim?

Well, we’ve entered into this holiday season full swing!  In our home, the decorations were slowly put up to savor each activity — the gifts gathered with each special person in mind — the Christmas movies

Is Your Home a Haven?

I was so challenged by at post at Women Living Well this morning, that I had to share it with you! It’s titled, Making Your Home a Haven.  One of Courtney’s comments really
More Blogs, More Noise – How To Choose?

More Blogs, More Noise – How To Choose?

Online Noise The online culture is noisy and distracting:  Someone wants you to grab a cookbook or a podcast or program to give you 10 easy ways to solve some problem.  It can take hours of
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