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Reclaiming Family Life for the Intentional Christian Mom
Parenting didn’t always come easily to me. I learned many a hard lesson while raising my kids.
And then it was over. All the sleepless nights and tiring days — finished.
I found myself in what I call “forced retirement,” and I wondered what I’d do with the rest of my life.
Well-meaning friends would ask, “Do what you love!”
My response? “I’ve already done it! I absolutely loved raising my kids!”
So now what? — I blended a few things I love!
I love family.
I love building relationships with women while we share and learn together.
And I love writing — my blog was born in 2011.
A few years ago, after training and working with coaches, I found the perfect blend —> living out the Titus 2 mandate through writing and Mom Mentoring (aka Life Coaching). The years of raising my family, learning and growing alongside other women, and guiding my kids individually, prepared me perfectly for this calling.
Proof that people can change — in high school, I actually told everyone, “I’m not going to have any kids!” Now read the first bullet point in the “Who I Am” section above! Obviously, I was no prophet!
When I began life as a wife and mom, I had the crazy idea that with enough knowledge and work, my family would “arrive.” We’d have a perfect marriage and the happiest family.
But when things didn’t look as pretty as expected, I got frustrated and angry — at myself, my husband, and my kids. Little did I know I had a perfectionist lurking inside!
Enter the saving work of a loving God!
Yet even after I became a Christian, I tried to control outcomes in order to obey (I’m an Enneagram 6 so “fear” is my middle name!). I read good books, watched other moms, and worked my tail off trying to make it all work. I’d try new things only to have the “old me” slither back in.
I was burning out.
Over time, God gently showed me that all my work turned me into a self-appointed rescuer. In time, and through some hefty mistakes, I began to listen to Him. Really listen.
I had to believe what I said I believed.
That Jesus had already done the work!
I began to understand what this meant — and I began to surrender my control — bit by stubborn bit.
In my quest to find “perfect,” I had silenced God and my own common sense!
My goal was to live a godly life and raise godly kids — but I got so busy studying, working, and searching that I missed the good stuff!
What’s the good stuff?
• the Wisdom that only comes from God
• the Intuition He places within you
• the Unique Gifts and Talents He gave you to use for His glory
• the Lessons that come from the trials and errors of life.
• and the Peace and Rest from totally trusting Him with your future!
Freedom comes when we ignore the noise around us.
Instead of listening to the crowd, we must focus on what God says in His word.
And live into who He designed each one of us to be.
Trust God’s process for your life and growth. Watch what He’s doing in your life and in your family.
Only then can you accept God’s unique design for you and your family.
It takes work to overcome habits, damaging thoughts, and lack of trust. None of us wants to make mistakes — and so we fear and doubt.
We worry about:
– how we’re raising our kids
– whether we have the “perfect” marriage
– if we’re making the best decisions for our future.
And we begin listening to all the noise around us.
Does any of this sound familiar to you?
Don’t worry — you’re not alone in your wondering. Your confusion. Your questions.
It’s part of learning and growing in faith — of letting go of control.
Of giving it to the One who ultimately has all the control.
With new confidence in God and how He uses you in His plan, you can choose ideas and opportunities that are best for you, and best for your family — without fear of failure.
And I want this freedom for you! Truly I do!
I want you to enjoy the process of living life and loving your family well — leaning into the transitions of life — without the stress and worry that you aren’t doing or being enough.
Living above the noise is a necessity
if you want to experience REST and JOY in this incredibly busy world!
If you struggle to live above the noise — above the stress and comparison on social media — and you worry that you’re not doing enough —> I’d love to help! 👇🏻
You’ll find ▶️ practical and thoughtful tips and ideas on how to live above the noise ▶️ in parenting, marriage, homemaking, and most importantly your faith life.
➡️ Podcast or blog posts for ideas and new perspectives
➡️ If you’re more of a one-on-one gal, consider Titus 2 Mentoring. Mom Coaching may be the perfect
fit for you! The first meeting is on me! —> Schedule your call here.
➡️ Sign up for my (not frequent enough😉) newsletters
➡️ Email me with questions –
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Here’s to Living Above the Noise — together!
“Somewhere in the midst of it all, you taught me how to love my family! Even now continuing to encourage and equip me in my journey! So grateful for you!” – Katelynne