The way you raise your kids has a ripple effect into the future! 

Don’t take it lightly. So much affects: how they think, their self-esteem, and their ability to become anything they can dream of.  In these posts, I’ll help you see how important your parenting is!

How To Overcome The Overwhelm Of Motherhood?

How To Overcome The Overwhelm Of Motherhood?

Finding Balance in a More Over Less Society We live in a world that’s spinning faster every day — at least we’re spinning faster every day! — I think we all need to stop for
How To Become A Better Parent Using Lessons from the Garden

How To Become A Better Parent Using Lessons from the Garden

Like plants, strong, capable kids don’t just “happen” without a healthy pot of rich soil. Where roots grow long and healthy. Parents need to give kids a safe place to grow and learn and broaden
My Struggle to Find Focus —  Biblical Truth for a Writer & Business Owner

My Struggle to Find Focus — Biblical Truth for a Writer & Business Owner

I’ll be honest with you — I’ve been struggling with my writing lately.  I’ve wondered if my content is relevant to your needs.  Am I only adding to all the noise
Finding Love in a Storm

Finding Love in a Storm

I sit, watching the storm blow in, and I can’t help but remember my childhood at the lake. Sitting on the oversized, padded porch swing tucked under my grandparents’ cottage, my cousins and I
What’s This About Christmas and Tiny Tim?

What’s This About Christmas and Tiny Tim?

Well, we’ve entered into this holiday season full swing!  In our home, the decorations were slowly put up to savor each activity — the gifts gathered with each special person in mind — the Christmas movies
This Is Definitely What Christmas Is All About, Charlie Brown!

This Is Definitely What Christmas Is All About, Charlie Brown!

  Linus’s age-old adage rings as true now as it did 50 years ago!  We remember with much nostalgia when he recites Luke 2, then concludes with the refrain, “That’s what Christmas is all
Simple Steps To Gain Sanity Through Planning

Simple Steps To Gain Sanity Through Planning

First Things First—Be Willing To Do the Work! This post has the potential to bring order to your busy life.  You really can gain sanity through planning.  But you have to be prepared to
School’s Starting! – You’ve Got To Plan If You Want the Best Day Possible

School’s Starting! – You’ve Got To Plan If You Want the Best Day Possible

It’s that time of year again!  Where did summer go?!  No more vacay — it’s time to get organized! Eight years ago, I decided to start really using my planner — not just
Friendship — The Gift of Love

Friendship — The Gift of Love

During the early years of homeschooling, our children would read the Pathway Readers, written during a more simple era.  One lesson from them stood the test of time.  I must have quoted this a hundred
Are Christians Like Woodpeckers?

Are Christians Like Woodpeckers?

I peered out my window the other day and saw an amazingly huge Woodpecker stabbing at the Crab Apple tree.  I watched in awe as he made his rounds, looking for whatever grubs he might
Let Pain Do It’s Perfect Work

Let Pain Do It’s Perfect Work

We live in a society that does it’s utmost to avoid pain.  We are told to “be happy,” “put a smile on your face,” and “grab a Coke, Starbucks, or Budweiser.”  You name it,
Finding Quiet In A Noisy World

Finding Quiet In A Noisy World

I awoke this morning to my usual world, one where I don’t know where I’ll be living in a year, with ceilings that look like I’m in a doctor’s office, and
Choosing A Planner….So Many Options!

Choosing A Planner….So Many Options!

  I know it’s February, but….it takes me a bit of time to get over the holidays and realize that the year is upon me!  And then I have to research….  :) It’s
Goals…and A Planner – A Necessary Part of Success

Goals…and A Planner – A Necessary Part of Success

Goals are an often discussed topic this time of year.  They’ve certainly been on my mind as I consider what this year might hold.  But moving from having a “goal” to actually getting it
Adapt – My Word For The New Year

Adapt – My Word For The New Year

I’m in a group of bloggers and we’re writing about our “Word for the Year.”  I’ve been wondering what to write as I venture into this new year, so this got me
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