I finally hung up my homeschooled hat after 30 years of teaching my kids. 
I learned plenty of practical tools, real-life experiences, and foundational reasons this method of education is so beneficial.   Read on….

The Most Important Lesson in Home Education

When considering the most important lessen I’ve learned in home educating for the last 22 years, I must revisit the reality that it’s not about academics.  “Yikes,” some of you are saying!  Don’t
We Broke the Mold and Raised Responsible Adults!

We Broke the Mold and Raised Responsible Adults!

Our family’s style of raising responsible adults may be unique to many of you.  We have homeschooled all ten of our kids. I’ve been at it for 29 years. (I know, I’m
School’s Starting! – You’ve Got To Plan If You Want the Best Day Possible

School’s Starting! – You’ve Got To Plan If You Want the Best Day Possible

It’s that time of year again!  Where did summer go?!  No more vacay — it’s time to get organized! Eight years ago, I decided to start really using my planner — not just

Building Up Without Burning Out – Growing Children Into Adults – Part Two

Okay, so we’re going for no “burn out” when it comes to home educating our children.  I’ll answer a reader’s questions and share some practical application for our family’s ‘method’.   “…
How To Become A Better Parent Using Lessons from the Garden

How To Become A Better Parent Using Lessons from the Garden

Like plants, strong, capable kids don’t just “happen” without a healthy pot of rich soil. Where roots grow long and healthy. Parents need to give kids a safe place to grow and learn and broaden
Building Up Without Burning Out – Growing Children Into Adults – Part One

Building Up Without Burning Out – Growing Children Into Adults – Part One

This week I’ll be answering a question posed by a reader of my post, Breaking the Mold in Raising Adult Children. “I was wondering, too if you might share some thoughts on how to

How to Make Doughnuts and Raise Responsible Children

Raising children is one of the most important jobs that a person can have. The realization of this importance is one of life’s many lessons and comes sooner for some or often too late
How “Not” To Home School

How “Not” To Home School

There are countless methods, styles, and curricula for successfully teaching our children at home.  I could share the differing views, along with the benefits of various approaches, but as I am prone to do,
The Fear of Planning Is Real!

The Fear of Planning Is Real!

Discover the Freedom to Make Plans for What Matters Most If you prefer to read, here’s the podcast in blog post form! ⤵️ Fear Of Planning — It’s A Real Thing! Highlights:

The Myth Of Getting It All Done!

As Christian, home-schooling moms, we take on so much, go against the flow, all while living in a crazy, busy culture.  I hope I can help just a little as I give my answer to
“Constructing” Successful Adults

“Constructing” Successful Adults

Have you ever felt that raising a child to adulthood is as complicated as managing the construction of the major building?  As parents, we often wonder if we’re capable of teaching our children what
Marriage 101 – Lessons from the Chickens!

Marriage 101 – Lessons from the Chickens!

“But now ask the beasts, and let them teach you; and the birds of the heavens, and let them tell you.  Or speak to the earth, and let it teach you; and let the fish

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