I sit, watching the storm blow in, and I can’t help but remember my childhood at the lake.
Sitting on the oversized, padded porch swing tucked under my grandparents’ cottage, my cousins and I would swing and laugh and plan the next excursion of our summer vacation. We’d gather there in storms just like the one today, feeling oh, so safe amidst the pounding rain and the thundering bellow of the clouds.
And I realize something.
There is nothing so wonderful, or calming, and as peaceful as feeling safe — of knowing we are loved.
Those days at the cottage were my favorite memories of childhood. I often wonder why.
I imagine it’s because we gathered as families, loved by parents and grandparents who cared about giving us simple gifts like this — our yearly family vacation.
Possibly it was in this lovely space away from home, we had no cares in the world. Both adults and children left the hustle of work and chores to get away and breathe.
But one thing remains. A sense of peace. Of security. Of love.
God Give the Gift of a Storm
The quiet of the rain softly pattering on the roof. The mist brushes our cheeks as we swing on the porch. The slow rumble of the thunder echoes its way across the sky.
And we have peace. Peace amidst the storm.
I pause and ponder for the first time in what feels like months. And I realize how very important it is to give one another that sense of peace and love. That feeling of being wrapped in a parent’s arms in the storm, knowing we are safe. And loved.
Seek out your children or grandchildren today. Let them know they are loved and safe with you. Let them know you will be by their side. No. Matter. What.
Of course, remember this doesn’t limit us only to children needing safety and love. Our spouses need that same affirmation. And friends. Even enemies.
If that makes you nervous, go to God, the source of all Love and Peace. Ask Him how to love while seeking nothing in return.
He’s the expert! His love never fails.

Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:8