Gain the Confidence To Step Into Your Life With Intention and Trust
If you prefer to read, here’s the podcast in blog post form! ⤵️
The Cornerstone of Your Life
Let’s talk about the cornerstone of your life as a woman. How important it is for you to discover and embrace your unique identity and value as the woman you are.
God created you not only spiritual, but as a flesh and blood human – and He knows you need to live it out – daily.
He knows you’ll do that best if you’re healthy and whole and living for Him – while using your personality, strengths, and skills to fulfill your calling as a wife, mom, homemaker, daughter, sister, friend.
Do You Question Your Value?
When a child asks, “Watch me!” — in their heart, they’re really wanting to know if they’re valued — if they’re worth something. It’s called reinforcement. They’re learning they are of value — and capable.
Remember this when you wake up in the morning — I’m guessing there are mornings you wake up and wonder if what you’re doing is worth anything.
Is this work you’ll do today if valued by anyone? You wonder, “Is what I’m doing worth it? Am I worth it?“
At these times, it’s really helpful to go back to the very beginning as a Christian. To when you first professed faith in Christ.
What is “Self Care” To A Christian?
In Christian circles “self care” is avoided because, as believers, we’re supposed to serve and consider others before ourselves. We feel a bit guilty if we focus on ourselves.
What I’m sharing here is not taking the focus off of God — but allowing Scripture to sink in to show you just how much God loves YOU.
Our goal in life is to look to God and surrender to His design.
And I believe when you see your VALUE from God’s eyes — you can move into the life He’s given you with confidence. Which also helps you live above the noise of the world around you.
God’s clear in His Word about His care and love for you. And also about what he wants in return from you — how He wants your devotion and for you to work out our salvation.
He wants you to advance his kingdom — and He does that by using you and your unique personality. And knowing how much God values His creation, that’s you!, will make a huge difference in how you approach your day.
Where Does Your Identity Lie?
think deeply about where your identity lies – about what you look for in life. Truly.
And think about how you’re allowing God to use you, and your uniqueness, to do His work.
Become Aware
Become aware of your attitude, emotions – your fear, goals, or lack of them. Not in a selfish, all-about-me way – but in a way that reveals truth and your need for God and obedience to His ways.
Become more aware of your spouse and how he’s wired.
It takes some deep thought to see where your heart really lies! To see what you’re using to create your value in life.
And to understand that God wants you to discover your value to Him and in Him!
Missing the Connection
In our book and Bible study culture, we can get so focused on learning about God, His Word, and His love for creation — which obviously those are very important…
But…we can easily miss the connection between that amazing Truth and what God has to say about us – about how He feels about His own creation! We get so busy learning and doing, learning and doing, that we miss our vital role in His plan.
There is a side of God you may have forgotten. He loves YOU. He cares for YOU. He has plans to use YOU on this earth. His love for YOU transcends your love for Him. That means it goes way beyond anything you can imagine!
We usually pay attention to what God did, but look at why He did it! Read Romans 5:8 and John 3:16 below. Do you hear it? > It’s because of His great LOVE.
Picture God’s focus on you and His love for you in these verses. It’s an amazing love someone must have in order to sacrifice for another person — especially for someone who’s wronged them.
Sit At Jesus Feet Like Mary
We were called to be like Mary sitting at Jesus feet, yet we still have the jobs of Martha to be busy about — being a keeper at home — managing our life — and loving our family well — but to do that well, we’ve got to make time to sit at Jesus feet.
You’ve got to stop here and there in your day – even if it’s for a minute to whisper a prayer for sanity or for Wisdom or direction — to ask him to help you take your thoughts captive, to discover what’s truly in your heart.
Find Your Passion and Purpose
Do you have days where you wonder what your purpose is? All the talk about “finding your purpose” and “discovering your passion” makes sense, doesn’t it? How does passion and purpose measures up with what God tells us read in the Bible?
God tells us throughout His word that He loves and values us, He desires a relationship with us, and He protects us. And believe it or not, that truly is enough to get you through the day IF you let it seep into your soul.
IF you allow your thoughts to gain control over the nagging feeling you get when people you know seem so. much. more. in charge of their life. Because, you know, it’s the only foundation that matters.
Read God’s word. Let your mind slip away from what’s right in front of you — to a place of comfort and foundation in God. Like God tells us, everything else is sinking sand.
And from there, you will gain that confidence we talked about earlier. And your passion and purpose will flow out of it!
It’s important to realize how great God’s love and devotion is to all of His creation. From the smallest creation and event — all the way to you!
The next time you question your value — just run it through the filter of God‘s word.
I believe you’ll discover that in God’s eyes, you are worth it — even if you’re not living up to what you consider your potential or someone else’s idea of your potential.
And the best part? When you know God’s immense love, you’ll stand taller and look more keenly to Him to determine your worth and work and value.
Bible Verses Cited:
- “Your adornment must not be merely the external—braiding the hair, wearing gold jewelry, or putting on apparel; but it should be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God.” 1 Timothy 2:9-10
- “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8
- “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” John 3:16
- “Always learning and never coming to the knowledge of the Truth.” 2 Timothy 3:7
- “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies?
And not one of them is forgotten before God.
Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered.
Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows.”
Luke 12:6-7
Episode #1 – The Who, What, and Why of Living Above the Noise
Episode #2 – A Firm Foundation for Marriage — God’s Way
Episode #3 – A Solid Framework for Parenting
Episode #4 – Find Fulfillment in God’s Design For Homemaking
Kingdom Woman by Tony Evans (Affiliate Link*)

Words to Remember:
- The more you know of God, the more you need to tell others.
- We live in a world that has us spinning faster every day – there’s more noise online, every day, every where — and it’s really hard to truly stop and resist the temptation to get on the fast track with everyone else.
- Maybe it’s time we each look at the true value of a woman, Your true value given by God. What He considers imperishable and precious.
- Be who you were created to be — Not by the world’s ideas or your friends or what’s most popular on Pinterest. Take time to discover what’s best for you and for your family.
- Don’t just tell your kids to obey because God’s watching! Teach them of His love along with why God wants them to obey!
- The best part is that when you begin to see and believe these truths, it becomes your goal to abide in Christ!
- “The very things Martha was doing for Jesus distracted her from Jesus…she had become so involved in them that she excluded herself from time with Christ… your personal life as a kingdom woman, it is essential to note that in the good things of life, you should try not to lose the important things.“ Kingdom Woman by Tony Evans
- Read God’s word. Let your mind slip away from what’s right in front of you — to a place of comfort and foundation in God.
- Even the sparrow isn’t forgotten by God! Add in the amazing fact that every hair on your head is counted by God.
- You’re going to need discernment — with the voices of the world in our pockets every hour of every day — it’s much harder to escape into our own backyard, so to speak. So the need is pressing for you to filter what you hear.
- Here’s an idea for how to apply what you heard here: – Jot down how you can see how God values you — and how He created you. Write it out in your own words based on the verses here. – List out a few things you know you can do with your gifts and talents to serve Him. It might be something simple like, tell your child they did a great job today. Or “text a note of encouragement to someone you love.”
Time To Think:
- Are you tempted to find your value decided by a culture full of vanity, marketing, and temptations to get you to buy and do and want more in life?
- Evaluate where you are and how you’ve gotten here. What caused you to be and use your unique personality the way you are today?
- Consider what God might want you to shift in your priorities and how you use your time?
- Pay attention to where your focus is OR what’s undergirding it — is there ego or pride at play rather than humility in submission?
- Is there an area you need to connect your selfishness with a lack of trust in God’s plan for your life. Are you in control — or God?
- When you wonder if your work is worth the time spent or if the money or energy is spent in the best ways — filter them through God’s word. Is it doing good in your family life? Or in the world? Is it advancing the Kingdom?
The world can be truly lonely. Reach out and encourage someone today!
*Affiliate Links: I receive a small compensation when you purchase using the Amazon links provided above.