Marriage was given as a gift — but all too often, we don’t treat it that way.  My 43 years of marriage have been filled with lessons on sacrifice, forgiveness, patience, and so much more! 

I pray these posts will offer encouragement and gentle reminders to help you build your life as a couple, learning how to grow together and not apart.

The ‘Back Office’ Test – The Christmas Tree That Took Over…..Our Living Room!

Well, yesterday I had my chance to see how long it would take me to go from living in a present disappointment before entering into ‘life’s Back Office’ (see last post).  Here’s the

A Woman in Politics – Stonewall’s Anna

Anna and Julia Jackson If you’re anything like me, with politics ranking somewhere behind going to the dentist, you might be surprised to find that supporting our government or our politicians doesn’t always

Do You Need A Spiritual Mother? — Teaching Women to Love Family and Manage a Home

As a Christian woman, what does Titus 2 mean to you?   I was cleaning out my bookshelf and came across a book that had “graced” my shelf for too many years.&

Leaky Plumbing And A Humbled Wife

Let’s Start With The Negatives We’re all used to getting advice that offers us a quick answer–the “positives” to work towards.  We grasp at them like there’s no tomorrow!  “Just tell

Lessons From the House of Mourning

We lost our family dog this week.  Now, we’re not the kind of family that treats our animals like humans, but it’s amazing how these creatures weave themselves into our lives.   And through
Got Compassion? – It’s Not Only For The Road!

Got Compassion? – It’s Not Only For The Road!

Am I That Good Samaritan? I’m reading in Luke 10 right now and it’s very convicting.  The part about the traveler who was beaten by robbers.  And how others walked right by him while

Time Management – Making Your Priorities Center Around Relationships

There’s not a better time to be looking at our priorities than at the beginning of a new year! Amy at Blogging With Amy wrote an excellent post, Time Management Tips:  It’s Not

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