Marriage was given as a gift — but all too often, we don’t treat it that way.  My 43 years of marriage have been filled with lessons on sacrifice, forgiveness, patience, and so much more! 

I pray these posts will offer encouragement and gentle reminders to help you build your life as a couple, learning how to grow together and not apart.

Finding Love in a Storm

Finding Love in a Storm

I sit, watching the storm blow in, and I can’t help but remember my childhood at the lake. Sitting on the oversized, padded porch swing tucked under my grandparents’ cottage, my cousins and I

A Busy Life – Learning to Trust God

Well, as much as I love to learn and share what I’m learning, God has me in a place where the learning is obviously more important than the sharing! Again I’m explaining why

Spice Up Your Marriage – It’s Leap Day!

How fun is this!  Based on the old Irish tradition, Leap Day is the day that a gal may propose to her guy!  Consider adding a twist to this tradition to spice up your marriage. 

Becoming A Woman of Worth

Do you feel undervalued or overwhelmed? I don’t know about you, but there are times that I feel a bit undervalued and overwhelmed.  Too much to do, too much I’m reaching for, and

Do You Need A Spiritual Mother? — Teaching Women to Love Family and Manage a Home

As a Christian woman, what does Titus 2 mean to you?   I was cleaning out my bookshelf and came across a book that had “graced” my shelf for too many years.&
Let Me Be a Woman – Today!

Let Me Be a Woman – Today!

What is God’s view of a woman? Take time to consider the ways you feel like a woman today.

A Woman in Politics – Stonewall’s Anna

Anna and Julia Jackson If you’re anything like me, with politics ranking somewhere behind going to the dentist, you might be surprised to find that supporting our government or our politicians doesn’t always
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