Marriage was given as a gift — but all too often, we don’t treat it that way. My 43 years of marriage have been filled with lessons on sacrifice, forgiveness, patience, and so much more!
I pray these posts will offer encouragement and gentle reminders to help you build your life as a couple, learning how to grow together and not apart.
The subject of relationships can cause some people to smile. Yet for others, it creates confusion and pain as they look back at the harsh realities of old friends or loved ones who damaged their
How fun is this! Based on the old Irish tradition, Leap Day is the day that a gal may propose to her guy! Consider adding a twist to this tradition to spice up your marriage.
Anna and Julia Jackson If you’re anything like me, with politics ranking somewhere behind going to the dentist, you might be surprised to find that supporting our government or our politicians doesn’t always
What is God’s view of a woman? Take time to consider the ways you feel like a woman today.
There’s not a better time to be looking at our priorities than at the beginning of a new year! Amy at Blogging With Amy wrote an excellent post, Time Management Tips: It’s Not
Well, yesterday I had my chance to see how long it would take me to go from living in a present disappointment before entering into ‘life’s Back Office’ (see last post). Here’s the
How To Live Out “Till Death Do Us Part?” If you prefer to read, here’s the podcast in blog post form! ⤵️ Coming Soon! The “Back Office” Test – The Christmas Tree That