Why Living Above the Noise is the best gift you can give yourself — and your kids!
https://www.podcastics.com/episode/344877/link/If you prefer to read, here’s the podcast in blog post form! ⤵️
Coming Soon!
In this episode, we dive deep into the importance of Living Above the Noise amidst the clamor of the world — to discover what truly matters to you.
Are you tired of feeling pressure from social media?
Ready to say goodbye to the desire to fit into society’s mold?
Well, my friend, it’s time to turn up the volume on your own unique personality!
➡️ Join me as we explore the power of embracing your unique personality and finding joy in being authentically YOU.
And why it’s an important step to helping your kids become entrepreneurs.
➡️ You’ll hear a story of a “woman and her cows” and how she realized she was trying to live her “fantasy self.”
It’s so easy to think we need to be more than we are. Discover ways to reframe your real-life into one of contentment and joy.
➡️ We’ll ask good questions to help you navigate the noise and understand your strengths and personality.
It’s time to celebrate what makes you YOU and discover how to use your God-given life to make a positive impact on the world around you.
So grab your headphones, tune in, and let’s drown out the noise together!
Let’s do this!
You and I have to learn to think for ourselves before we can imagine – and then live out life as a unique child of God.
You must be confident in who you are and what you believe in to make it — pretty much anywhere in life. Home, school, church, community activities, and business.
What good is it if we all become like everyone else?!
That’s the beauty of Living Above the Noise after all.
It’s about the diversity of thought and creative adventure of those who ditch the status quo and do what they’re passionate about – or at least really good at!
So on this episode we’ll start the foundational concept of what it looks like to start living above the noise.
Time to Think:
Online people who make us feel less than good enough. What does this do to us — and others?
- What does your family do that others might pine for?
- What gifts and talents do you have that a friend might want?
- Is your family one that others think of as “perfect?”
I’ll tell you a story – the story of a woman and two cows. and how her “fantasy self” got in the way or what matters most to her.
- Are you trying to do something or be someone you desperately want — but it’s not your season?
- Be willing to tell yourself “no” if your mind says you want something but your heart or gut says something else.
- It’s important to learn about the timing in life — and the seasons — how you don’t always know when the timing is right without actually trying things. And you’ve got to be willing to fail.
The answers to these questions will help you discover what’s best for your season right now:
- ow back to you!
- What are the stories you can tell?
- When did you try living out your fantasy self?
- What did you learn from it?
- What will you pay closer attention to in the future?
- What control can you take to stop listening to all the voices, all the noise tapping at you from you phone each day?
The Story of Job In The Modern World
Job’s life would look pretty amazing without the messy middle!
If Job posted his life before and after his trevail, you wouldn’t have seen the heart of his message and life.
- You wouldn’t have seen the trials or the sackcloth and ashes.
- You wouldn’t have seen the pain and the devastation he felt.
- Or the confusion when he got all the input from his friends.
You wouldn’t have known any of it because you would be looking at his Instagram thinking “Oh my gosh, look at his perfect life!”
Words to Remember:
- “
Terry Covey @ Living Above the Noise:
- “It’s okay to be inspired, yet know in your soul, that it’s not for you right now. “
- “Trying new things teaches you what you don’t want — they teach you how to do things better — and they teach you what your limits are, your actual ability, along with your frustration level. A new thing gone wrong isn’t a bad thing. “
- “With the world in our hip pocket, it’s easy to want what other people have.”
- “You must be confident in who you are and what you believe in to make it in this world. Pretty much anywhere in life you are! Home, school, church, community activities, and business.”
- “Notice how considering your life seasons and circumstances, your personality, your family — will help you know when is a good time to try something new — or when it’s best to post a “like” on a social page and move on! It’s okay to be inspired, yet know in your soul, that it’s not for you right now. Someday, maybe, but not now. We all live and we learn — that’s one thing to never forget. You will keep on living and learning in this life. Don’t be afraid of it.”
- “Noise is what causes the simple and quiet to get snuffed out.”
Bible Verses:
“Now as to the love of the brethren, you have no need for anyone to write to you, for you yourselves are taught by God to love one another; for indeed you do practice it toward all the brethren who are in all Macedonia.
But we urge you, brethren, to excel still more,and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and attend to your own business and work with your hands, just as we commanded you, so that you will behave properly toward outsiders and not be in any need.”
– 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12 – NASB
“The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord forever.” Job 1:21
Fantasy Self
The “fantasy self” is a term for the idealized version of yourself you imagine, but is often disconnected from your actual ability or circumstances.
This fantasy self is the concept of psychoanalysts like Sigmund Freud. It’s the idea of the created or idealized self — the person you want to be — which is often achieved by buying or accumulating stuff — but then is rarely used.
What it means to “Pull yourself up by your bootstraps.”
I was right about the obvious part – that Tall boots may have a tab, loop or handle at the top known as a bootstrap, allowing one to use fingers or a boot hook tool to help pull the boots on. The saying “to pull oneself up by one’s bootstraps“[1] was already in use during the 19th century as an example of an impossible task. The idiom dates at least to 1834, when it appeared in the Workingman’s Advocate: “It is conjectured that Mr. Murphee will now be enabled to hand himself over the Cumberland river or a barn yard fence by the straps of his boots.”
Bootstrap as a metaphor, meaning to better oneself by one’s own unaided efforts, was in use in 1922.
Originally meant to attempt something ludicrously far-fetched… To request that someone “bootstrap” is to suggest that they might overcome great difficulty by sheer force of will.
What makes the Think – Pray – Plan – Do Planner unique?
- Think about all you heard today. The thoughts and questions and dreams and ideals you have.
- Pray about those to determine what’s most important and valuable.
- Make a Plan to implement those beliefs and values. Write them on a white board or get them printed on a wall hanging. The most important thing is to put them in front of you so you won’t forget them. So you can implement them daily and discuss them over dinner or when you need to discipline a child. Or make decisions with your husband.
- Do! Live them out. Make them your reality. And then watch as your family life transforms as you and your family gain the morale and confidence and trust in God’s plan for your family!
Shop for the 12 month planner here.
Here for the Jan-June planner.
Here for the July-December planner.
Download a sample pdf of the planner here.
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Reclaiming Family Life for the Intentional Christian Mom
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