I’ll be honest with you — I’ve been struggling with my writing lately. I’ve wondered if my content is relevant to your needs. Am I only adding to all the noise on this crazy internet! Should I write more? Less. Should I quit?!
Times Change –
A lot has changed since I began writing ten years ago! Back then, writing a blog was the way to go. We shared our hearts and lives when the mood struck.
Now I write alongside my Life Coaching practice. And online business gurus tell us to post religiously, send newsletters weekly, add to that daily Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram — basically invade every bit of your world!
I find it pretty annoying when businesses won’t stay out of my inbox for more than a few days — and I’m guessing you do too!
I’m tired of being told I need some amazing, incredible, easy, or fast — trick, gadget, schedule, book, or course — in order to be a better person, writer, mom, wife, plus be instantly wealthy. I’m sure you get my drift!
So I won’t add to the racket. I’ll be writing the way you and I like it!
With 600 million blogs and 1.9 billion websites out there — really! 😯 — it’s hard for a writer or business owner to make sure readers can find them.
All the “to-dos” and “shoulds” of online business marketing make my “follow-the-rules” personality a bit crazy! And I want to get off the crazy train!
But then…
➡️ I remember how much I enjoy making friends on the internet.
➡️ Helping you live above the noise and realize your value before God motivates me to press on.
➡️ I know you can love your family well and actually enjoy being a wife, mom, and professional! And I want to help you do just that!

Biblical Truth for a Writer –
While sorting through my conflicting thoughts, praying, reading, and seeking counsel, I read the book of Titus. I was again reminded that I am the “older woman” Paul speaks of. (Now, I’m not completely thrilled to have earned this title 😊 but it’s where I am in life!) And because of my age and experience, I have a clear calling to meet the Titus 2 commands.
According to Scripture, older women are to encourage / teach / train younger women to:
– Love their husbands — Love isn’t always easy and we need ideas and help to do this well.
– Love their children — It can be really hard being a momma!
– Manage / keep their homes — It’s a tough job but it has to be done.
All of this so “that the Word of God may not be dishonored.”
So I’m accepting God’s call for this journey.
I’ll use my gift of writing — my decades spent journaling to capture and chew on thoughts and ideas — to help “younger” women (that’s you!) love the life they’ve been given. And that includes all the emotional and spiritual digging-in-the-dirt details of how that actually looks in real life.
If you’re an “older” women, I want this to be a place you feel comfortable having conversations about life in middle age: menopause, empty nest, relationships in marriage after the kids are gone, finding purpose, and more. This season of life can be quite unsettling to navigate. We all need friends to help smooth the bumps in the road.
Miscellany –
- You’ll find me in your inbox once or twice a month.
- I’ll occasionally link to a few products I think you’ll find useful. But only things I use and value and hopefully create soon.
- But mostly — I’m offering you some hard-won wisdom and discernment in the realm of wife-dom, mothering, personal, spiritual, and business life, along with home management and care.
- Schedule a Discovery Call to find out how Life Coaching can help you navigate life and decisions.
Please reach out if you have something you’d like to get a conversation started on. I’d love to hear from you! Honestly, this online world can be lonely.
Another thing, please share my posts with women you care about. I’m sure they need encouragement, too!
Thanks for your time.
Blessings and prayers as you seek to live above the noise!

PS – Check out a few of my favorite finds below!
Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips nor enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good, so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, 5to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands, so that the word of God will not be dishonored. Titus 2:3-5

Encouragement from Emily Freeman!
If you haven’t discovered her podcasts, you’re in for a treat.
She’s calm and balanced and just what I need to center me in God’s will! Enjoy!
How To Organize A Brain Dump
Are you tired of holding your whole to-do list in your head!?
Well, here’s a great post on brainstorming I think you’ll find helpful.