Linus’s age-old adage rings as true now as it did 50 years ago! We remember with much nostalgia when he recites Luke 2, then concludes with the refrain, “That’s what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown!”
Christmas is all about Jesus. It’s about celebrating God’s greatest gift to us — Jesus — our salvation through nothing else but faith in God’s Son.
Getting Sidetracked This Christmas?
It’s too easy to get sidetracked thinking it’s about decorations and gifts. Now, we love a decorated house this time of year! But it can get overwhelming. And you know about those hundred gifts on your list. “What?” you say. “I don’t have a hundred gifts on my list!” Umm, count again. Include teachers, bosses, neighbors, friends, greeting cards with pictures, stocking stuffers, cookies for the neighbors….yep, you’re getting close to a hundred! See what I mean about sidetracked?
Now don’t think I don’t understand. I’m right here with you….like forgetting to do our Jesse Tree Advent devotion – and instead, getting started on my shopping trips. Reading the real Christmas story only because my daughters had a party for my “grandboys!” ‘Tis true. But get this — when I read that story of old to those wondering eyes — when I saw the intent on their faces — I remembered again.
This truly is the reason for the season. It is our job, our duty, to make sure we’re not quiet about what we believe and in Whom we believe!
Won’t you join me in relishing in the tinsel and holly and glitter, but not forgetting that simple, cold manger so many years ago? The sheer beauty of God’s gift of everlasting life, brought to us in the tiny frame of a babe, wrapped in swaddling clothes.
Keep Christ’s Love In Christmas
A bit of encouragement and some ideas to renew your sense of purpose this season:
– Our friend owns a thrift store in town, but it’s not just any thrift shop! This one uses the store’s proceeds to feed the hungry in our community. Check out your local ministries to discover how you can help the needy this year. People are cold, hungry, lonely, sick. What can we do to be Jesus’s hands of mercy to them?
– Tiny Tim is a name most people know. Learn how to share God’s love from his simple pronouncement to those around him. He said, “He hoped the people saw him in the church because he was a cripple, and it might be pleasant to them to remember on Christmas Day, who made lame beggars walk and blind men see.” A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens
– Here’s a great way to bless those in need this year! It’s so easy to pass by those in need along the road. What if we were prepared for those meetings by having a care bag of goodies to hand the homeless? We will never have an excuse to look the other way. (We have a homeless woman on the edge of town. We pass her most days and wonder how she does it with the cold weather approaching. Reading this post again has me excited to bring her a care package this week!)
– Visit a Fire or Police Station and bring goodies for these first responders! With a son-in-law who has this difficult job, we see first-hand how much we take our safety for granted. Give the gift of appreciation this year!
– Some people ask the question, Should Christians Celebrate Christmas? It’s easy to see that it’s gotten out of hand with Santa, “Happy Holidays,” and compulsory gift-giving. Some proclaim Christmas is for pagans and just a copycat of idol worship. My post declares why it’s a good thing to celebrate. Choose for yourselves….but as for me and my house, we will celebrate the Lord!
There are so many ways we can remember what Christmas is all about. Let’s share our ideas — with friends and family — and here. Leave a comment with ways your family celebrates or shares God’s love this time of year!
Happy Holy Day & Merry Christ-mas one and all!

So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told. Luke 2:16-20