Reclaiming Family Life for the Intentional Christian Mom
Are you tired of trying to do it all — and you just want to be “you?”
Then you’re in the right place!
Here you’ll find encouragement, ideas to chew on, and new perspectives. ⤵️
God always offers grace to become more than we could ever expect. Here you’ll find my favorite lessons in spiritual growth. Let’s look for ways to live out our faith with integrity.
In a world where the possibilities are endless, it’s hard to know how what choices are best. You wear so many hats! Let’s get creative, say goodbye to fear, work with the learning curves, listen to God, and use your talents to make the best of every day!
Discover the value of taking charge of your day — along with leaving plenty of time to rest and regroup! You’ll find my favorite planners, tips for getting a plan in place, and freedom to be “you” as you learn to structure your life!
Home is where most of our responsibilities happen. With a healthy perspective and great tools, you can create a space where family and friends love to spend time together.