There’s not a better time to be looking at our priorities than at the beginning of a new year!
Amy at Blogging With Amy wrote an excellent post, Time Management Tips: It’s Not All About To-Dos. She nailed what so many of us are trying to do. Discovering that habits and expectations are not what makes the world go ’round!
We could be doing what the rest of the world is doing – simply existing to fill our wallets, or micro-managing to find perfection, or just getting by out of sheer exhaustion, while finding no rest or true success in life. And what is true success anyway? Money, cars, a big home, a degree….?
Rather, our family and many others are finding what really works for us, not just doing what everyone else does. We’re asking questions to find what isn’t working for each of us, and finding solutions to those problems. And those solutions will always include people at the core, the center of our lives.
So please read Amy’s post. It has more than time management tips. It’s really about our choices, our work, and our priorities. You can find more ideas for how to ‘break the mold’ here: Breaking The Mold For Raising Responsible Adults and Constructing Successful Adults.
So when choosing how we’ll live – I’ll vote for family and relationships every time!
Thanks Amy, for your words of wisdom!

There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven… Ecclesiastes 3:1