To those of you who might be wondering if I still walk this planet, I thought I’d better catch you up to date!
Life’s been a whirlwind this last month, as I’ve been away from home for most of five weeks, traveling back and forth between our new home and our old home state. I’m ready to be out of the car for awhile!
My activities in October:
- two friend-filled Family Camps
- a welcome visit from our daughter who’s attending Eric Ludy’s Ellerslie in Colorado. She was such a sport! She only got to spend two days of her three weeks getting to know her new home! (We moved while she was at school.)
- moving even more of our belongings to our new home
- a quick trip home to help my family sell their handmade items and my Scentsy warmers at our local War Eagle Craft Fair. I raised $270 for Danita’s Children from my sales!
- and in the middle of all that, I became a grandmomma to number five, little Vincent!
Blessings abound!
Baby #2 to Daughter #1, Grandchild #5!
Most of October was spent at my daughter’s, waiting and waiting while she went in and out of labor with her second child. Alas, no progress, and another c-section for her. That’s quite discouraging, with her being a home-birth midwife! And for the last two weeks we’ve been helping with their transition to two children in the home, recovery from major surgery, plus dealing with viruses attacking right and left. We’re home again, but our 19 year old daughter stayed behind to be “Auntie Nanny” for a few weeks longer!
The purpose and joy of being a woman is summed up in caring for family!

Then she said, “Behold, your sister-in-law has gone back to her people and her gods; return after your sister-in-law. ”But Ruth said, “Do not urge me to leave you or turn back from following you; for where you go, I will go, and where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God. Ruth 1:15-16