I’m in a group of bloggers and we’re writing about our “Word for the Year.” I’ve been wondering what to write as I venture into this new year, so this got me thinking. Hang in there as I explain how a simple movie changed my perspective and gave me my word.
Lesson Learned From “Pete’s Christmas”
We watched a *”really good” movie at Christmas-time called, “Pete’s Christmas”. Yes, it was silly at times, but overall, the writer/producer got to the heart of human nature and our need to be cared about. The storyline deals with Pete, who “messes up” Christmas but then is given numerous chances to re-live the day until he gets it right. *caveat: “really good” means one thing to one person and another to the next, so excuse me if we differ! :o)
Pete tries and tries, from his own perspective, to “do Christmas right” only to mess up again. But slowly, as the story moves on, he learns to see through the eyes of his friends and family, thus learning to make Christmas perfect by loving them right where they need to be loved. Ah…such a great message….and one I keep pondering as the days pass by.
How to Live “Perfectly”
You want to know the real lesson I got from “Pete’s Christmas”? Every one of us gets to re-live a day, to make it “perfect” every day when we wake up. God gives us a new day, a new week, or month or year in which to live “perfectly” by loving those around us with the everlasting love the Father had for us. That Love that wrapped His arms around a tree and gave up His freedom to love us perfectly!
ADAPT – My Word For This Year.
Why did I choose this word? Because in ALL my searching for the perfect life, I’ve missed the main point of the Gospel. That the only “perfect” is found in Christ. I’ve struggled and worked, wondered and hoped, fought and cried when things haven’t gone my way. But God….only He could bring me to the place of adapting to His story for my life.
I must let go of my story, just the way I thought it would go, and adapt to His plan, His ways, His method of loving me. He loves me enough to NOT let me get everything I want, or have relationships be the way I want, or have my story look the way I thought was perfect! Now, that is true, tough, unending love. Love from the ONE who knows me more than I know myself. He knows just what I need to learn to lean on Him, to depend on Him, to die to myself so I can love others in the same way He loved me!
And so I adapt. I’m learning what this all-encompassing word means every day. Praise God for His good lessons. May we kneel together as we seek to find His will for our lives!
Love to each of you & Happy New Year!

1 Corinthians 2 – And when I came to you, brethren, I did not come with superiority of speech or of wisdom, proclaiming to you the testimony of God. For I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified. I was with you in weakness and in fear and in much trembling, and my message and my preaching were not in persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith would not rest on the wisdom of men, but on the power of God. (vs. 1-5)
But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised. But he who is spiritual appraises all things, yet he himself is appraised by no one. For who has known the mind of the Lord, that He will instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ. (vs. 14-16)
Living Free in Christ says
Wow! That was great. I love when we get unexpected insight from unlikely places. :) What you wrote is awesome. I have been guilty of trying to shape my life how I thought it was suppose to be too. It took a pretty big shake up to get me to open my eyes to what God wanted. May God bless you this year as you work on adapting to what He wants.
livingabovethenoise says
Thanks Lynn! It’s so good to know we’re not alone on this journey of growth. I like your picture of opening our eyes to what God wants. So necessary, isn’t it! Terry
Heather@To Sow a Seed says
I love your word choice! As a matter of fact, maybe I should have chosen that word for 2014. This year, I’m going for “settled.” Or maybe “boring.” We’ll see…
livingabovethenoise says
Oh, “settled” and “boring” sound very good to me, too! Someday maybe. :o)
Thanks for sharing!
Karen says
What a great word! I love it that you see yourself adapting to God, instead of adapting to something else. What a wonderful concept and a good reminder for me. Via the Loft.
Taunya says
What a beautiful post! I love how you say, “I must let go of my story, just the way I thought it would go, and adapt to His plan, His ways, His method of loving me. ” I learned last year as I worked through some aspects of my own story that I had to surrender to what he had planned for me. It was the only way I could walk in freedom and let go of all my pain. Blessings to you in 2015!
livingabovethenoise says
Yes! That “walking in freedom” has been so abused over the years. God is showing me that the freedom can only come when we surrender, when we realize our great need. Thanks for sharing and encouraging!
Katelynne says
Amen, Amen, and Amen!! This has been my lesson that I am taking with me from 2014 into 2015. Once again, you have a wonderful way with words. Thank you, Terry, for sharing your heart. It still blesses me!
livingabovethenoise says
Katelynne, it’s so good to hear from you! You’ve had much adjustment this past year and I pray the next part of your adventure will bring many blessings. Keep in touch!
Leah Adams says
“I have to let go of my story”. Yes, I do. Yes, we do. It is a difficult sacrifice, but oh, so worth it. What a lovely post, and so glad you linked up with us at The Loft.
livingabovethenoise says
Thanks Leah. It’s so good to be sharing with others on this journey.
Arabah says
I love how you said we have to let go of our plans and our story to discover God’s. That really is the meaning of adapt, isn’t it? The Lord reminded me of that this week too, when I was frustrated with my people. Luke 6:38 came to mind, that if I want His plan and His story… if I want to follow Him… it means taking up my cross. letting go of what I want. I love your post; you are a soul sister!
livingabovethenoise says
It’s so good to hear your story. We aren’t alone, are we? Sisters, walking together on this journey. Thanks!
Donna says
“He loves me enough to NOT let me get everything I want, or have relationships be the way I want, or have my story look the way I thought was perfect!”
His perfect plan is so much better than any we could come up with or even dream of.
livingabovethenoise says
So very true. Thanks for sharing!
Susan says
Love this!
livingabovethenoise says
Thanks! And since you’ve known me for so long, I’m sure you understand! Miss you.
Susan says
I miss you, too! Maybe we can find time to chat one of these days :)
livingabovethenoise says
That would be nice! Shayna just had her fourth yesterday, so we’ve been busy, but like my mom used to say, “one of these days things will settle down”! Now that, I doubt, but let’s plan to catch up soon!