Do you struggle?

  • Finding your purpose as a Christian
  • Feeling removed from God’s love and grace
  • Feeling like your faith is weak
  • Tired of living in a culture that’s forgotten God

Well, you’re in the right place. God takes our life and grows into what He designed us to be. 

Yes, He lets us stumble and sometimes fall, but He always offers grace to become more than we could ever expect. Solid answers are found in the Bible.
Join me as we look for ways to live out our faith with integrity and growth.

Finding Quiet In A Noisy World

Finding Quiet In A Noisy World

I awoke this morning to my usual world, one where I don’t know where I’ll be living in a year, with ceilings that look like I’m in a doctor’s office, and

The Relationship Puzzle – Part One

The subject of relationships can cause some people to smile.  Yet for others, it creates confusion and pain as they look back at the harsh realities of old friends or loved ones who damaged their

Raising Children – A Give and Take Relationship

After reading a recent post at In The Nursery of the Nation on the blessings of giving responsibility to our older children to care for their younger siblings, I had to consider where we’ve

Christmas – Tiny Tim’s Way

Well, another Christmas is fast approaching.  We’ve been busy celebrating with family in recents weeks.  Well – what else is new in a large and ever-expanding family!  I’ll share pics of my newest grand-babies
Planning For God’s Glory—Or Your Own?

Planning For God’s Glory—Or Your Own?

You know—God is amazing!  He works in the little things, but usually, we only notice Him in the big things.  Sad.  Because it’s in the little things where we can be truly faithful
Encouragement for Expectant Moms!

Encouragement for Expectant Moms!

  “Truly, truly, I say to you, that you will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice; you will grieve, but your grief will be turned into joy.  Whenever a woman is in labor

Beyond Baby Basics

                  The topic of babies spurs much passion with women who love family and are—well—passionate about raising children for the glory of God.  Babies have

Entering Into Life’s ‘Back Office’ – Lessons Learned from our Holiday Gift Fair

In my Lilla Rose business, we have what’s called a ‘Back Office’ on our website, where we do our ordering, party information, and the like.  And even beyond that is the corporate office where

Learning and Growing – God’s Way

Have you ever reached for a book or called a friend for advice before reaching for God’s Word? If so, read on….  Our family has been ‘growing up’ in our faith in recent years.  

Legalism – Tearing Down Babel – Part 1

We’ve all heard the buzz when a Christian leader falls into sin. A Christian organization’s false and harmful teaching is exposed.  Or the government we value make hard decisions.  We hear a friend
Are Christians Like Woodpeckers?

Are Christians Like Woodpeckers?

I peered out my window the other day and saw an amazingly huge Woodpecker stabbing at the Crab Apple tree.  I watched in awe as he made his rounds, looking for whatever grubs he might
Making Personal Idols — How To Avoid Becoming A Slave To Your Habits

Making Personal Idols — How To Avoid Becoming A Slave To Your Habits

As you release the years worth of deception that have crept into your heart — the idols you’ve been holding onto for comfort and happiness — God will enter in and reveal just what it is
Let Pain Do It’s Perfect Work

Let Pain Do It’s Perfect Work

We live in a society that does it’s utmost to avoid pain.  We are told to “be happy,” “put a smile on your face,” and “grab a Coke, Starbucks, or Budweiser.”  You name it,

Lessons from the Ruckus of Life

I’ve had lots of comments on my “living above the noise” name.   It has connected with many of my readers.  They say it gives them a clear picture and points them in the right
Building Up Without Burning Out – Growing Children Into Adults – Part One

Building Up Without Burning Out – Growing Children Into Adults – Part One

This week I’ll be answering a question posed by a reader of my post, Breaking the Mold in Raising Adult Children. “I was wondering, too if you might share some thoughts on how to
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Struggling to find beauty and peace in life?
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