Do you struggle?

  • Finding your purpose as a Christian
  • Feeling removed from God’s love and grace
  • Feeling like your faith is weak
  • Tired of living in a culture that’s forgotten God

Well, you’re in the right place. God takes our life and grows into what He designed us to be. 

Yes, He lets us stumble and sometimes fall, but He always offers grace to become more than we could ever expect. Solid answers are found in the Bible.
Join me as we look for ways to live out our faith with integrity and growth.

Goals…and A Planner – A Necessary Part of Success

Goals…and A Planner – A Necessary Part of Success

Goals are an often discussed topic this time of year.  They’ve certainly been on my mind as I consider what this year might hold.  But moving from having a “goal” to actually getting it

Learning and Growing – God’s Way

Have you ever reached for a book or called a friend for advice before reaching for God’s Word? If so, read on….  Our family has been ‘growing up’ in our faith in recent years.  
Let Pain Do It’s Perfect Work

Let Pain Do It’s Perfect Work

We live in a society that does it’s utmost to avoid pain.  We are told to “be happy,” “put a smile on your face,” and “grab a Coke, Starbucks, or Budweiser.”  You name it,
Planning For God’s Glory—Or Your Own?

Planning For God’s Glory—Or Your Own?

You know—God is amazing!  He works in the little things, but usually, we only notice Him in the big things.  Sad.  Because it’s in the little things where we can be truly faithful

A Woman in Politics – Stonewall’s Anna

Anna and Julia Jackson If you’re anything like me, with politics ranking somewhere behind going to the dentist, you might be surprised to find that supporting our government or our politicians doesn’t always

Entering Into Life’s ‘Back Office’ – Lessons Learned from our Holiday Gift Fair

In my Lilla Rose business, we have what’s called a ‘Back Office’ on our website, where we do our ordering, party information, and the like.  And even beyond that is the corporate office where

God’s Plan For Our Children’s Relationships – Part Two

I opened the subject of relationships in The Relationship Puzzle.  Let’s look at a crucial aspect of relationships in those our children build in their lives. Life’s Early Lessons It’s an awesome
The Freedom That Comes From Discovering God’s Value For You

The Freedom That Comes From Discovering God’s Value For You

Discovering God’s value for you gives you freedom to step into your life with intention and trust. You can do great work right where you are!
The One Thing You Need to Become Friends with Your Kids

The One Thing You Need to Become Friends with Your Kids

Parenting is a lifetime occupation — and with communication as the backbone of your relationship — it can truly be the biggest blessing you can imagine!
“Constructing” Successful Adults

“Constructing” Successful Adults

Have you ever felt that raising a child to adulthood is as complicated as managing the construction of the major building?  As parents, we often wonder if we’re capable of teaching our children what
Discover the Beauty and JOY of Christmas

Discover the Beauty and JOY of Christmas

Are your having trouble finding Joy at Christmas? Even in the midst of the hustle and bustle, you can find joy this season!
On Gratefulness

On Gratefulness

The words of a ten year old boy stopped me in my tracks the other day.  They really made me think about the meaning of gratefulness. I can describe this word and look it up

A Woman’s Ever-Changing Dominion

Dominion: Domain; absolute ownership, a territory or sphere of influence or control… Domain: Field or sphere of activity or influence, the area a given person or people rules or an area of knowledge. Are you
Anticipating Christ’s Return…This Christmas!

Anticipating Christ’s Return…This Christmas!

The Holy season of Christmas gives me much time to ponder the things of old.  Think about that time when men hungered and anticipated the birth of the long-awaited and promised Messiah.  How they must

Time With Our Children – What Money Can’t Buy

Life is busy.   This season seems to be especially eventful for our family.  We just spent a second weekend visiting our son while he and his wife transition to having two baby girls.  Yes, you

Struggling to find beauty and peace in life?
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