“It’s fun to be a man!” My husband made this comment after doing the messy work of unclogging a pipe draining from our pond. I already knew what he meant, but I wanted to hear more. And I wanted to let him know I’m interested in him — so I asked, “Why?”
He explained that working outside, getting wet in the rain, running a tractor (and all those crazy things we women just shake our heads at) make him love being a guy!
This got me thinking about what’s “fun” about being a woman. Of course, that will differ from person to person, and yet, inherently, we all have that ‘girl’ in us that comes out. It might be in the way we dress, or curl our hair and put on jewelry, or plant our garden, or love a hug from our guy – but we are definitely feminine at the core.
“It is a naïve sort of feminism that insists that women prove their ability to do all the things that men do. This is a distortion and a travesty. Men have never sought to prove that they can do all the things women can do. Why subject women to purely masculine criteria? Women can and ought to be judged by the criteria of femininity, for it is in their femininity that they participate in the human race. “ Elizabeth Elliott, Let Me Be a Woman
When I grew up, I was way too practical to worry about being feminine, I hated wearing dresses, and I definitely wasn’t going to let a man tell me what to do or how to do it! But when God got a hold of my heart, He began to change my view of being a woman. It’s taken over decades to undo the world’s idea that being a biblical woman isn’t of value – but I’m so grateful that God changes hearts.
“You are, Valerie, by the grace of God, a woman. This means you have responsibilities. You are fully a woman, and this means you have privileges. You are only a woman, which means you have limitations. Walt is a man, he is fully a man, and he is only a man. Thanks God for this, and live it to the hilt!“ Elizabeth Elliott, Let Me Be A Woman (written to her daughter)
It’s fun to be a woman. — Let me count the ways!
- I love learning more and more about God’s design for women each time I study His Word.
- I enjoy being the gal who is still “ogled” by my husband!
- I’m grateful that words come so easily to me – definitely a feminine quality :)
- I feel, oh so, pretty in feminine skirts and outfits.
- I relish the effects of my femininity on my husband. When I respect and honor him as the man he is, I see him become the man I always wanted!
- I absolutely love cuddling a baby, or giving a hug to a hurting child.
- I’ll never forget my grown son waking me so I could snuggle his newborn daughter!
- I treasure teaching my children and grandchildren about the trials and joys of life.
- I feel “oh, so pretty!” when I put on make-up and earrings.
- I could bask all day in the beauty and scent of flowers.
- There’s nothing more fruitful than coming up from the garden with a basket of veggies!
- I relish in the pleasure of great conversation with a trusted friend.
- This list could go on, and on……..!
Take time today and consider the ways you feel fulfilled being a woman. And then share them in the comments!

Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised. Proverbs 31:30
….encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands, so that the word of God will not be dishonored. Titus 2:4
Leah Adams says
What a lovely post! I’ve honestly never thought about the things I love about being a woman. I’ve never wanted to be a man, either. One thing I love about being a woman is that we tend to think with our hearts. Now, sometimes that can be not-good, but other times it is. We prioritize relationships. Men usually are more practical thinkers, not always considering how their decisions will affect relationships. There has to be a balance, and that might be one reason why God created marriage. Stopping by from #GraceTruth.
livingabovethenoise says
Thanks for your insight here. We really don’t often consider how we are skewed in our thinking about male and female wiring and our consequent roles. It’s just a healthy practice to ponder these things in order to glorify God with our entire lives.
Jen says
Hi, Terry! I’m stopping by from Wedded Wednesdays today. :) I won’t lie – there are times in my life when I have believed that being a man would be easier, but the older I get, the more I realize that I like being a woman, too. And really, I don’t believe either role is easier, just different, ha!
Jen @ Being Confident of This
livingabovethenoise says
I hear ya! And the longer I live, the more I am grateful for the intuition and relational skills God gave us women. And I am determined to grow the relationships around me for the glory of God. Blessings to you today!