Online Noise
The online culture is noisy and distracting: Someone wants you to grab a cookbook or a podcast or program to give you 10 easy ways to solve some problem. It can take hours of sifting through information to find a quality solution. Therefore, the last thing I want is to add to that already noisy place in your life. But I also understand how hard it is to find our way in this complicated world. We need help!
When I began writing, I had learned to manage my home and family and I wanted to share what I experienced. But as time and life kept growing me, it became more difficult to offer input when I saw how much I had yet to learn! So I took lots of blogging breaks to catch up, soak in life, and make sure I wasn’t wasting your time. But I’m realizing I’ll never know everything and if I stop writing, I’ll have missed any opportunity to offer encouragement and ideas with you. So I’m choosing (again) to use my love of writing and sharing to offer quality content to help you on your life journey as others have helped me.
A blog author should avoid telling you that you’re doing life wrong or suggest there’s only one way to live it. That’s my goal. I want to offer ideas and, most importantly, to get you to ask your own questions in order to discover the answers you need. I’ll ask you to think — in a culture that often tries to get us to stop thinking.
Look for Quality Blogs –
It’s Good To Borrow From One Another
It’s easy to forget we have a plethora of personalities, histories, and patterns learned from our families. In spite of social media, or possibly because of it, this independent culture we live in can make us feel very alone or pressured to do things foreign to what we know. That can be good and bad. So how do we know who to listen to? One word — Cautiously.
It can be downright scary and confusing to navigate life alone when no one reaches out. We do need help. Enter the blog world, but do it with a healthy perspective — one where we share in each other’s burdens and help one another through life. I love what a pastor friend reminded me…
“We borrow from one another.”
Ideas, views, strategies, spiritual strength. We become so much more capable when we puzzle through problems and learn to think through our days having others encourage us to consider our own possibilities.
My goal in blogging is to reach out, add input, ideas, and advice to living on planet earth. To remind you (as I’m reminding myself!) to seek to do God’s will, trusting you’ll do better as you gain experience, all the while adapting to the everyday onslaught of new ideas on how to do this thing called life.
Bloggers may convince you to buy their product to make your life easier so they can make their life more profitable. Beware. Life doesn’t have to be so complicated. Go for quality and not quantity. You’ll find me offering ideas (and a few well-chosen products) that I’ve found helpful in focusing on what’s most important while navigating your busy days. I hope to encourage you to stop listening to the wrong voices. To pray. To listen for God’s Spirit prompting you, not social media or online “friends.”
Simply — Be still. Listen. Think. Then take a step.

Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10
Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17
Amy Christensen says
Well said. It can be overwhelming out there and as a blogger, I often fall into the rut of comparing myself to other bloggers, both in the fashion realm and in writing, but the truth of the matter is that God made every one of us with unique gifts, talents and relationship with Him. We also are each reaching our own audience. I love the idea of working together and I am often inspired by other people both in the areas of writing and fashion. Thanks for the encouragement. – Amy
livingabovethenoise says
Thanks for sharing, Amy. I can totally empathize with the comparison to other bloggers. I don’t have that problem in normal life, but as I seek to blog, somehow I feel so inadequate! I appreciate the reminder that God created us each for a purpose and influence. We can certainly trust Him in that! My family reminds me that if I only help one person to see truth and hope in their life – that is worth it. Again, thanks for reaching out. Terry
Bambi says
Yay, yay, yay!
livingabovethenoise says
Thanks for the encouragement! Are you finding time to blog still? Miss you!