Lisa Jo Baker has a wonderful blog for moms. On Fridays, she does a whacky thing called, “Five Minute Fridays”. She asks fellow bloggers to write for five minutes on just one word. And if you know blogging, and women, that’s a hard thing! Refreshing though.
Today the word is….
A friend should/could/ought to be one who we can talk to about anything without fearing their response.
A friend might encourage rather than criticize.
A friend can bear a burden along the often hard path we walk.
A friend loves, even when we are unlovely.
A friend forgives, yet doesn’t do it so they will be loved back, but to truly show Christ’s love.
A friend responds when called or written or texted.
A friend listens.
A friend counsels.
A friend sips coffee together and laughs at life’s simple joys.
A friend can take a month or six months off to do her own thing, and when you get back together, it’s like you were never apart.
I pray I show these qualities to my friends.
How do you define “friend”?

A friend loves at all times, And a brother is born for adversity. Proverbs 17:17
Bambi says
Beautiful, Terry. These are all great descriptions of a friend, but my favorite is the last one. No matter how long it’s been, you just pick right up where you left off. So thankful for the blessing of friendships–including yours. (((Hugs)))
livingabovethenoise says
So very true! It’s our now long-distance friendship that proves this. Love to you and yours!
Jolene says
This is a beautiful description of friendship. I want to be a friend to the people in my life, like the friend that you described. I am stopping by from Five Minute Friday! Have a wonderful weekend.
livingabovethenoise says
Thanks for sharing. I always repeat the old saying to my kids, “If you want a friend, you have to be a friend.” Blessings!
Heather says
How you just wrote it is how I define friend. A friend doesn’t let little things keep them apart. Friendship is one of those treasures that everyone needs!
livingabovethenoise says
Thanks for your thoughts on friendships! I love your analogy of a book on the shelf that you can dust off and it’s open and waiting! I like to be that kind of friend.