I was so challenged by at post at Women Living Well this morning, that I had to share it with you!
It’s titled, Making Your Home a Haven. One of Courtney’s comments really convicted me.
No. It is not the things we have or the things we do not have that make our homes a haven. It’s you – my dear reader – you are the key to making your home a haven.
Proverbs 14:1 says: “The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.”
Are you making your home a haven?
This has been a theme on my heart lately. Making my home a haven. There is a hymn called The Haven of Rest. I have always loved the picture those words evoke. A picture of rest. And isn’t that what we all desire. To rest in our marriage, in our family, in our home, our community, and most certainly, in our relationship with God!
So please check out Courtney’s blog. Take whatever steps you can to fullfil your calling to build up your home!
“I’ve anchored my soul in the haven of rest. I’ll sail the wide seas no more. The tempest may sweet o’ver the wild, stormy deep; in Jesus I’m safe evermore.” The Haven of Rest, Henry L. Gilmour, 1890

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