Life has a way of getting away from us, doesn’t it? Just when we think we have things under control, something comes up and we’re off…..again!
The Gift of Twins
A few years ago, my nephew and his wife shared the news. They were expecting. Then they discovered it wasn’t one bundle of joy – but two! In our family, twins aren’t common, so this was pretty exciting! (Since then, my daughter surprised everyone by having twin girls on Christmas Day!)
But God has a way of giving us lessons we don’t realize we need to learn!
Only a month after the news of twins, an ultrasound revealed that “twin B” had developed hydrocephalus. And so began the whirlwind ride of several months. Along with much discussion and research, there were doctor visits and consultations with specialists. There was prayer given for wisdom and the baby’s health and healing. Plus, plans were made for the help needed to care for the other children who were waiting along with their parents during this time of uncertainty and unknown.
A Time To Serve
I was greatly blessed to share in this challenging time. My nephew and niece called on me to offer perspective from my midwifery experience along with emotional support during the birth and surgeries. It was a time when they were often too tired or afraid to think and make decisions.
My daughters and I spent several weeks with them through the critical days of this trial. We helped with the adjustment to having both babies (finally) at home. This was the true blessing of service!
Our children become competent and mature so they can bless others in need. And God is glorified.

Trial To Trust
The realities of this trial presented some of the most tiring and frustrating experiences we have ever dealt with. There were many factors:
- a mom and the healthy twin recovering from a cesarean section in one hospital
- a hydrocephalus baby and its surgery / recovery in another hospital
- a tired dad who stayed nearly 24/7 by the bedside of his sick baby
- a medical group who communicated poorly and had constantly changing standards of care
- a dog who kept wetting the carpet because it missed it’s ‘mommy’ (yes, really! – the realities of home and family)
- and many more…..
But through good and bad, this experience has been a huge blessing for us all!
We learned.
We prayed.
We got little sleep.
We saw friends and family offer help from all around, coming together to support one tired and fearful couple.
We cried.
We shared.
But most of all, we loved.
And finally, we rejoiced in the constant presence of God in our midst.
He provided healing and well-being to a baby that could have suffered a great handicap. This “little guy” recovered wonderfully from his surgery and learned to drink better each day from his bottle. His tiny misshapen head slowly remolded from his battle with hydrocephalus. His valve continues to work wonderfully and…there is Hope.
We are in awe at how God can use such a tiny baby to bring us all together.
To teach us His ways.
And to show us His love!

Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him……Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow. James 1:12, 17
Magdalyne says
Am not yet a mother, but I adore and love kids, it’s been in my heart to get twins, I just bless you for such an encouraging message, and may God be seen in your family forever as you do what women were told by Paul to do, encourage the young girls,
livingabovethenoise says
Thanks for sharing. May God bless you in your future!
Janet Lee says
This looks familiar. I spent 6 weeks in Michael’s NICU before bringing him home. You might remember him, Terry. He’s 14 now. Our Jacob was a 27 weeker and had a shunt placed when he was 7 mos. old. It was very scary. He had a revision 3 times after the initial placement. No problems in the last 8 yrs. So wonderful that you and the girls could go and be a huge blessing to your niece and nephew. Take care and blessings to you and your family.
livingabovethenoise says
Hi Janet!
What a fun surprise to hear from you! I do remember him, but had no idea he had a shunt. My niece would be very interested in your experience with him – his revisions and his progress, including what his prognosis was when he was born. We’ve sure learned a lot from our experience. Every day is a step of faith!
You could email me privately, if you’d like. Hope all is well with your gang. Terry
Peta says
Hi there! I wanted to say that I just read your story in the new ‘3 decades of fertility’ book. I was greatly blessed by your story. I have 3 little ones and it seems overwhelming at times and it’s so wonderful reading about the lessons of a mum who’s been through her childbearing years and come out the other side. I’m greatly encouraged, I am 24 and hope that God will bless us with many more children. It really is wonderful being mother! Blessings from Australia. Peta,
livingabovethenoise says
Thanks for your kind words, Peta! And I’m so glad you’ve read the Three Decades book. Hang in there, and hang onto God through it all. As a matter of fact, remember that He hangs onto you when you feel like you can’t hang on yourself! Trust, obey, and pray. He will see you through. And don’t forget to hug your kids today. We can get so busy that we forget what’s important. Blessings, Terry PS – sorry my reply came so late!
Bambi says
Beautiful! We’ve been praying for them and ya’ll.
livingabovethenoise says
Thanks, Bambi! We felt the prayers and “little guy” certainly proves God’s power!