Have you ever thought much about humility? If you’re a Christian, I’m pretty sure you have. But have you really thought about what it takes to be truly humble? To be completely at another’s will, especially our Father God?
Humility is something I’ve been pondering lately as God has been bringing me to my knees. My family has so many changes in our lives and decisions to be made, stemming from our recent move to a new state. It’s easy to overlook what change really means to us. This new place or situation is not only a change in our physical location or circumstance, but it is designed to create change in our spiritual life as well.
Each situation is crafted by God’s loving hands to form us into Christ’s image. Each experience or change, offers an opportunity for the removing of dross, and that, as we know, can only be done by fire. Scripture is filled with examples of trials bringing the Lord’s people to their faces before Him. “Of course”, we say, “His goal is that every knee should bow before Him.” Then why are we so surprised at the trial? Why, oh why, do we balk and grumble when the going gets tougher than we anticipated?
A New View Of Humility
I have realized something telling about humility. It’s come from my own experience of being humbled, and from observing those around me. Have you ever noticed that the very act of being humbled takes the breath out of us? Okay, sounds a bit odd, but bear with me!
Breathe out for second. Really let the air out of your chest….and don’t take a new breath in for a moment. Now breathe in and let it out again. What do you feel? Release? Calm? Peace? Nice feeling, isn’t it?!
Have you ever noticed that when you’re humbled by something in your life, you breathe out? You lower your head. You may close your eyes or look down. It’s that ‘breathe out’ that I’m talking about. Oh, that we would take more time to give in and feel God at work in our lives! To feel what it really feels to let go of our ‘stuff’.
Pride Gasps For Air
Now, switch views with me. Allow yourself to think prideful thoughts for a minute. Those defensive thoughts from a recent argument, or the ones from when you just knew you were right, or best, or deserving. Now how’s that feel? Do you feel yourself sucking in air, gasping for that last ‘me’ breath? Pride causes us to pull back, suck in, hold our chest out – a stance that says, “I won’t give”.
Grace to Live God’s Way
Listen to what these verses have to say. Gain instruction, gain life!
A man’s pride will bring him low,
But a humble spirit will obtain honor. Proverbs 29:23
When pride comes, then comes dishonor,
But with the humble is wisdom. Proverbs 11:2
He has done mighty deeds with His arm;
He has scattered those who were proud in the thoughts of their heart.
“He has brought down rulers from their thrones,
And has exalted those who were humble. Luke 1:51-52
…..and all of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, for GOD IS OPPOSED TO THE PROUD, BUT GIVES GRACE TO THE HUMBLE. 1 Peter 5:5
I want God’s grace. I want His power in my life. I want to do my work as unto the Lord. And the only way I can do this, is to let go. Stop striving. Allow Him to humble me by my circumstances. Learn from Him.
This takes breathing out. A death to self. Something my husband reminded me of the other day – we each will take that final breath out when we die! Humility is a death, a dying to self. It’s taking that breath out of whatever I’m holding onto. Letting go of the ‘me’ in the equation and doing all for the glory of God.
Humility offers us peace. Space away from striving. A place of rest in the Father’s arms. Right where I want to be!

Do you think that the Scripture speaks to no purpose: “He jealously desires the Spirit which He has made to dwell in us”? But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, “GOD IS OPPOSED TO THE PROUD, BUT GIVES GRACE TO THE HUMBLE.” Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. James 4:5-7
Heaven says
The breathing analogies really work for me. I have never thought about humility like this before. Thank you for your words. I can relate from an experience I had yesterday with my husband. Poor man has to deal with my pride so often, but I “released” and felt so good about it afterward! Pinned. Wish I could follow you somehow but I’m not on facebook. Any other options?
livingabovethenoise says
Yes, this picture really reminds me of giving up to God, of accepting my place in His world. It’s a lot like the open hands picture of letting God have our “stuff” (worries, fears, works, etc.) and surrendering them all to God’s care and direction. It’s a constant awareness that God is truly in control and desires our submission. Thanks for pinning! I got my “Subscribe” button back up, so you can now get my posts in your inbox. Somehow it got deleted!
Jennifer says
I appreciate this object lesson on humility. The release that you describe accompanying humility is a solid point, and one I hadn’t thought of in quite this way before. But “release” is a very good way to describe humility – release of our preferences, our desires, our opinions, even our rights. Thank you for sharing this thoughtful post with us at Grace & Truth!
livingabovethenoise says
You’re welcome! It’s always good to hear that something God revealed to me is helpful to you. Let’s pray together that God would give us strength to breath out more often! I need to remind myself constantly that Love for God and others is the key.
Ruth Clemence says
I really enjoyed reading this post on humility. I recently did my own study on it – I do have a spirit of pride at times. Thank you for reminding me about the refining during the trials! Blessings, friend!
livingabovethenoise says
Yup, this humility thing is a life-long lesson, isn’t it? But, I am learning to relish the tribulations for they produce the peaceful fruit of righteousness. Romans 5:3
Holly says
Powerful lesson! God can only use us after we have humbled ourselves. If we want Him to use us we need to know this lesson! Thank you.
livingabovethenoise says
Your welcome! Humility is God’s over-riding lesson for me these days! But He offers grace in and through it. Amen!
Natalie says
This was beautiful. I love that picture of breathing out and looking down. I’ll remember (and try to practice) that the next time the Lord (or someone God has placed in my life) humbles me. I doubt I’ll have to wait long….! : )
livingabovethenoise says
Yes, I find I’m breathing out a lot lately! And it’s not such a bad place to be – I just wish I had understood sooner. Practice, prayer, and trust!