In my last post, you’ll read how being valued by others can encourage and energize us. This inspires me to show others their value, which in turn, gives them encouragement. Our job as Christians is to impress on others their need for the Savior; how they are uniquely created by our Heavenly Father to do great things for His Kingdom. This starts small with those who don’t know the Father, but as we take time to reveal their value to us, they can begin to know their origin and worth. Then they can acknowledge they have a Creator and thus, a Savior sent by that Creator.
Value grows as we see ourselves as a creation. Created – not by mistake or happenstance. And as a person sees their value they begin to see their lack. They can now compare their value with what they’re missing or doing that hurts others or God. Sin is measured in the light of personal value. If a person doesn’t know their value, how can they possibly care about their sin? It’s a full circle.
God, our Creator. We, His valuable creation. Our sin, now seen in light of our value to Him and in light of our great God. Jesus, sacrificed by His Father to take on the punishment of that sin. Jesus, now realized as our ultimate value as we are forgiven of that sin. Now that’s full circle!
We extend that circle when we show value to others – as we imitate Jesus, our ultimate example of One who reveals value to us. When we act as ambassadors for Christ, the world as a whole, benefits. It’s a beautiful way God uses His children to show value to His created beings!
I guess my real intent in writing on this topic is to realize a deep need in our world. And if we, as Christians, can be like Jesus, the real Value-Giver, it will change our world! Just look around. The tattoos, the clownish outfits of the modern man, the piercings, the immodest clothing of the women, the lack of caring about anything but self….. these are all indicative of a culture without value. People who don’t know they are worth anything and so they don’t care about their bodies, their minds, or their souls. And they don’t care about God! The only way they will want to know our great God is if we share with them the value that God has shown us. Show them that He loves them enough to give them life, new life, and the lessons that grow them into the person He desires us to be, all to His glory! Our God has the quintessential view of value!
Simple ways I can reveal value to others –
* I can love my husband and let him know how much I appreciate his hard work, which allows me to stay home and teach our children. Rather than see his differences in a negative light, I can let him know the ways he adds to my life.
* I can share with my children all the ways their uniqueness enriches my day and helps our family function. They will see their value before God as they see their value to us. Not just their value to us as workers in our homes or good students, but to us as we stand amazed at this uniquely created being designed by God to be used for His glory! Teach them their value before Him and they will serve Him all the days of their lives.
* I can let my parents know the ways they have enriched my life, and my children’s life. I can include them in our family’s activities, allowing them to share their talents and skills with us.
* I can show value to my church family by learning about their lives, work, or family. I can value their wisdom and experience in the many areas I am lacking.
* I can build relationships with my neighbors, valuing them for their knowledge, skill, or simply their ability to keep their lawn mown!
* I can talk with my cashier or receptionist, asking them about their day and telling them when they do a good job. Often they light up when they see someone interested in their day!
“But I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself, so that I may finish my course and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God.” Acts 20:24
[…] I’ll continue my musings and how we can live out valuing one another in my next post, A Quintessential View of Value. […]