Do you struggle?

  • Finding your purpose as a Christian
  • Feeling removed from God’s love and grace
  • Feeling like your faith is weak
  • Tired of living in a culture that’s forgotten God

Well, you’re in the right place. God takes our life and grows into what He designed us to be. 

Yes, He lets us stumble and sometimes fall, but He always offers grace to become more than we could ever expect. Solid answers are found in the Bible.
Join me as we look for ways to live out our faith with integrity and growth.

Without Love, I Am Nothing – 1 Corinthians 13:2

“And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.” (1 Corinthians 13:2)  Charity And Its Fruits
My Struggle to Find Focus —  Biblical Truth for a Writer & Business Owner

My Struggle to Find Focus — Biblical Truth for a Writer & Business Owner

I’ll be honest with you — I’ve been struggling with my writing lately.  I’ve wondered if my content is relevant to your needs.  Am I only adding to all the noise

A Quintessential View of Value

In my last post, you’ll read how being valued by others can encourage and energize us.  This inspires me to show others their value, which in turn, gives them encouragement.  Our job as Christians
The One Thing You Need to Become Friends with Your Kids

The One Thing You Need to Become Friends with Your Kids

Parenting is a lifetime occupation — and with communication as the backbone of your relationship — it can truly be the biggest blessing you can imagine!

Heart Transplant – Receiving a New Heart!

A dear friend of my daughter got a new heart this morning!  We’re absolutely amazed that in just four hours the doctors can replace a sick and inferior heart with a healthy, effective one. 

The Relationship Puzzle – Part One

The subject of relationships can cause some people to smile.  Yet for others, it creates confusion and pain as they look back at the harsh realities of old friends or loved ones who damaged their
Goals…and A Planner – A Necessary Part of Success

Goals…and A Planner – A Necessary Part of Success

Goals are an often discussed topic this time of year.  They’ve certainly been on my mind as I consider what this year might hold.  But moving from having a “goal” to actually getting it

Lessons From the House of Mourning

We lost our family dog this week.  Now, we’re not the kind of family that treats our animals like humans, but it’s amazing how these creatures weave themselves into our lives.   And through
Finding Quiet In A Noisy World

Finding Quiet In A Noisy World

I awoke this morning to my usual world, one where I don’t know where I’ll be living in a year, with ceilings that look like I’m in a doctor’s office, and
Planning For God’s Glory—Or Your Own?

Planning For God’s Glory—Or Your Own?

You know—God is amazing!  He works in the little things, but usually, we only notice Him in the big things.  Sad.  Because it’s in the little things where we can be truly faithful

Time With Our Children – What Money Can’t Buy

Life is busy.   This season seems to be especially eventful for our family.  We just spent a second weekend visiting our son while he and his wife transition to having two baby girls.  Yes, you
This Is Definitely What Christmas Is All About, Charlie Brown!

This Is Definitely What Christmas Is All About, Charlie Brown!

Linus’s age-old adage rings as true now as it did 50 years ago!  We remember with much nostalgia when he recites Luke 2, then concludes with the refrain, “That’s what Christmas is all about, Charlie

You’ll Go To Hell For That!

We heard someone say this to a group of friends, “You’ll go to hell for that!”  Their tone was mocking and derogatory. You might be familiar with the scene…a person calls attention to

Learning and Growing – God’s Way

Have you ever reached for a book or called a friend for advice before reaching for God’s Word? If so, read on….  Our family has been ‘growing up’ in our faith in recent years.  

Seeking Happiness – Or God?

We seek many things in this life.  Physical treasures, popularity, success, place, beauty. But after all is said and done (and we do that well, don’t we?) we find all that really matters is 
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Struggling to find beauty and peace in life?
Book a discovery coaching call today! →