Do you struggle?

  • Finding your purpose as a Christian
  • Feeling removed from God’s love and grace
  • Feeling like your faith is weak
  • Tired of living in a culture that’s forgotten God

Well, you’re in the right place. God takes our life and grows into what He designed us to be. 

Yes, He lets us stumble and sometimes fall, but He always offers grace to become more than we could ever expect. Solid answers are found in the Bible.
Join me as we look for ways to live out our faith with integrity and growth.

Goals…and A Planner – A Necessary Part of Success

Goals…and A Planner – A Necessary Part of Success

Goals are an often discussed topic this time of year.  They’ve certainly been on my mind as I consider what this year might hold.  But moving from having a “goal” to actually getting it

Beyond Baby Basics

                  The topic of babies spurs much passion with women who love family and are—well—passionate about raising children for the glory of God.  Babies have

Legalism – Following the Pied Piper! – Part 2

How many of us want a vibrant or even radical Christian life? I know I do!  It’s totally biblical to desire the abundant Christian life.  In an upcoming post, I’ll share some simple,
We Broke the Mold and Raised Responsible Adults!

We Broke the Mold and Raised Responsible Adults!

Our family’s style of raising responsible adults may be unique to many of you.  We have homeschooled all ten of our kids. I’ve been at it for 29 years. (I know, I’m
Becoming Christian In An MSG and Fluorescent World – Part One

Becoming Christian In An MSG and Fluorescent World – Part One

  As each of us is called and prepared to serve the King, we are being slowly enabled to be salt and light to a lost and dying world.  This process is God’s plan
Building Up Without Burning Out – Growing Children Into Adults – Part Three

Building Up Without Burning Out – Growing Children Into Adults – Part Three

Hopefully you’ve read my posts Part One and Part Two of this series. We’ve covered: simplifying home education to avoid burn out the freedom to learn from various adventures and interests and the

Becoming A Woman of Worth

Do you feel undervalued or overwhelmed? I don’t know about you, but there are times that I feel a bit undervalued and overwhelmed.  Too much to do, too much I’m reaching for, and

The Relationship Puzzle – Part One

The subject of relationships can cause some people to smile.  Yet for others, it creates confusion and pain as they look back at the harsh realities of old friends or loved ones who damaged their

Lessons From the House of Mourning

We lost our family dog this week.  Now, we’re not the kind of family that treats our animals like humans, but it’s amazing how these creatures weave themselves into our lives.   And through

What Is A Friend?

Lisa Jo Baker has a wonderful blog for moms.  On Fridays, she does a whacky thing called, “Five Minute Fridays”.  She asks fellow bloggers to write for five minutes on just one word.  And if
Let Me Be a Woman – Today!

Let Me Be a Woman – Today!

What is God’s view of a woman? Take time to consider the ways you feel like a woman today.

A Woman in Politics – Stonewall’s Anna

Anna and Julia Jackson If you’re anything like me, with politics ranking somewhere behind going to the dentist, you might be surprised to find that supporting our government or our politicians doesn’t always
Encouragement for Expectant Moms!

Encouragement for Expectant Moms!

  “Truly, truly, I say to you, that you will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice; you will grieve, but your grief will be turned into joy.  Whenever a woman is in labor
Building Up Without Burning Out – Growing Children Into Adults – Part One

Building Up Without Burning Out – Growing Children Into Adults – Part One

This week I’ll be answering a question posed by a reader of my post, Breaking the Mold in Raising Adult Children. “I was wondering, too if you might share some thoughts on how to

Entering Into Life’s ‘Back Office’ – Lessons Learned from our Holiday Gift Fair

In my Lilla Rose business, we have what’s called a ‘Back Office’ on our website, where we do our ordering, party information, and the like.  And even beyond that is the corporate office where
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