I just became a “Grandmomma” again, this time to number seven! Seven! And according to statistics, that makes me old. But I don’t feel old. Not really….but seven!
Is This Your First?
As I waited for my temporary card at Sams, the lady behind the counter asked why I was in town. I stated that my daughter just had a baby. She then asked the same question I’ve heard for thirty years! “Is this your first!?”
Yep. I’ve been answering that one since I had the first of my ten children. Now I realize it will go on until I at least look like I’m a grandma! But as I answered, “No, this is my seventh,” she gave a wide-eyed look that read amazement and disbelief. Then added, “Honey, I want to drink what you’re drinking!” I know that’s a compliment, but all I could think was, like, “I can’t belief I’m telling someone I have seven grandchildren! Grandmas are supposed to have grey hair, and wear large shirts with even larger flowers on them! I’m not really that old!” Or am I?
But, unlike those ten babies who took long hard months to bear, and nurse, and train up, these grand-babies just happen! I stand amazed that there is a veritable army entering the stage! Life marches on….
The Lord utters His voice before His army; surely His camp is very great, for strong is he who carries out His word. The day of the Lord is indeed great and very awesome, and who can endure it? Joel 2:11
….and we must march with it. Or we will get pushed to the side in the tide of soldiers passing us by. God has a purpose for every season of life. And with each season comes the responsibility to bear just what God intends us to bear. For us personally, for our individual families, and for the culture and time we live in.
Lessons Learned…
I find I’m growing again, getting used to the skin I wear (even though it’s a bit sagger than I’d prefer!). I have a place in each of my children’s families. A place where I can bless and help each of them in their quest to raise up the next generation for God. I’m beginning to truly envision the love that flows from me to my grandchildren in a very similar light as it did to my own children.
No, I don’t have that daily, hourly time I had with my own kids, but, I can make the best of every minute I have with my grandkids! I can teach and train; I can smooch and snuggle; I can watch and be inspired at their individual personalities and talents. And just like I did for my own, I can encourage each one of these little people to see a glimpse of what they can become, how they can use their talents, and what they can do to serve their Creator.
All Things For Good….
Yup! I’m “Grandmomma” to seven! Yes, that makes me feel a bit old. But I guess it’s where I’m at and I’m becoming proud of it! And more than that, I’m learning to accept more and more, that all things, and all seasons, are created for good by our loving Father, who cares for us!
I encourage each of you to learn to work within His system, His boundaries, and by His rules. We live in a society that ignores that God exists. Therefore, it doesn’t recommend playing by His rules. It will take fortitude to train up your children well; it will take resolve to continue training up your grandchildren in the future.
That future depends on your hard work! To God be the glory!

Grandchildren are the crown of old men, and the glory of sons is their fathers. Proverbs 17:6
Shecki @ Greatly Blessed says
Beautiful! My 10 children range from 2 to 22, so I know my day as grandmother is not far off.
livingabovethenoise says
Glad you are encouraged! Lots in store for you! Blessings as you seek to find your place in this new order of things.
Katelynne says
The very post I have been waiting for!! Seven healthy beautiful grandbabies! What a blessing! How good it must feel to hold a newborn and a sweet toddler in your lap, Terry! I love the picture of you and Shayna. Thank you for the encouragement about the fortitude of training children. You are such a strength for your children having the perspective of continuing your training. What a joy to impart the wisdom you learned by letting God transform your mind when yours were young. God bless you!!
livingabovethenoise says
Thanks for your kind words, Katelynne! Our walk as mothers and grandmothers is one of patience, hard work, and love. I only pray that I continue to seek God for His strength to do my job well! Love to you and yours!