This week I’ll be answering a question posed by a reader of my post, Breaking the Mold in Raising Adult Children.
“I was wondering, too if you might share some thoughts on how to try new things without burning up the roads and constantly being ” on the go”. How do you encourage exploration within a large family and still manage to do homeschooling? In short, what is the best way to meet everyone’s individual needs, without mom and dad burning out?”
Hmmm. Those are big questions with so many possibile answers it can be mind numbing! And if you feel apprehensive (like I do) about giving your children what they need to become productive citizens, your mind has been numbed before! So, let’s break the mold ourselves and just – not – go – there!
Don’t think you have to know it all and do it all. Don’t think you have to read every book and try everything I suggest or every other writer out there in this crazy cyber world!
There! Do you feel better?
Being Molded By A Sovereign God
Good! Now I feel safe to write my ideas without thinking you might think you have to do them. Just read on and see what might work in your home with your family. They obviously worked in ours, but we are unique just like you are unique.
I’ve recently come to a new realization. What if I used a different set of tools or style of raising my children? Would they still turn out “okay”? I really think so! Of course, this answer depends on whether we’re talking about being lazy or not living by godly principles. Then we’d definitely have a different outcome. But just imagine that only the tools or the style is different.
I really believe that our sovereign God would create other opportunities and adventures to test us and mold us and our children – into the very person He created us each to be! Isn’t that a mind-boggling thought? We don’t have to know the outcome, we just have to be obedient to follow God’s ways and teach our children of Him and his Word! We leave the result to Him. What a relief!
Okay, so that was a slight rabbit trail, but it comes back to the topic of raising our children to be successful and responsible adults without burning out. So hopefully your fear is quelled! God will work it out for His glory. Success!
Now onto our family’s ‘method’ for practical application….
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And when they heard this, they lifted their voices to God with one accord and said, “O Lord, it is You who MADE THE HEAVEN AND THE EARTH AND THE SEA, AND ALL THAT IS IN THEM… Acts 4:24
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